We recognize that we have a responsibility towards Mother Earth and that we need to act fast to protect our planet. As we learn more about our impact on the environment, we are committed to taking action to ensure we stay within the planetary boundaries set by the Stockholm Resilience Center.


There are many things to take into consideration when it comes to Mother Earth, where we recognize the concept from the Stockholm Resilience Center looking at the planetary boundaries . We have a long way to go, both in understanding our impact fully, but also to act on it. It is a race against the clock, we’re in it together and we need to join forces to turn the ship in the right direction.

Our sister company Casall Sport, joined STICA, The Swedish Textile Initiative for climate action, right at the start, back in 2018. This is a great forum that has pushed us and many other smaller, and big brands, to jointly share knowledge, set targets and act. 

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We have so far done progress in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1  and scope 2  exceeding our target. This due to different initiatives, one being gradually upgrading our car fleet to electric vehicles, but also as the methodology to assess the emissions have changed since we started calculating them. 


•    Extend and improve emission calculations with the aim to include our whole operations and account for scope 3 according to the GHG protocol

Scope 1 & 2
•    Aim for renewable energy and/or self-sufficiency for offices and stores
•    Energy efficiency in stores and offices (decrease usage)
•    Upgrading car fleet to electric vehicles
Base year for scope 1 & 2 is 2018
3  Scope 1 is defined as all direct GHG emissions which refers to emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting entity, for example fuel used for company cars. 
 Scope 2 is defined as indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam. Indirect emissions refer to emissions that are a consequence of the activities of the reporting entity but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity.